Friday, May 12, 2006

watching saturn ...

in children, the first planet to watch when considering school and social development is saturn. while jupiter is important as well because it relates to the expansion of the child into society, saturn is the 'wet blanket' so to speak on the child's natural expression. it is the 'sit in your seat', 'raise your hand to speak', the 'this is math time, not story time' ... in other words, the rules and regulations.

look for saturn's placement in the chart and watch for its transits over the cardinal points. if your child is having a saturn transit over the ascendent, nadir, descendent or midheaven, be conscious of it. for adults and children as well, these are major transitions in the structure and formation of their lives. being conscious and sensitive to the change in how a child allows the external world to structure their personality and the spirit is very important, and can lead to positive patterns and habits or, obviously, negative ones that they will battle their entire lives.

while not much is written for astrology and children's charts ... reading what is written for adults after the fact (e.g., after the patterns and habits have been established), can give you insight to what is happening with the child. BUT PLEASE, bear in mind, that saturn has been extremely demonized until recently and, because most 'adult' astrology books are written from hindsight, saturn's movement and energy gets blamed for all the bad, negative habits adults are battling to re-member their true selves. so, keep that in mind when reading anything on saturn.

i highly recommend Erin Sullivan's book, Saturn in Transit. one of the most balanced books on saturn, as well as giving pure archtype references for you to understand the energy without a lot of judgment of the purpose and form of the energy.

structure is good ... a well, established, growth based structure is best.

watch saturn, watch your child grow ... help them establish good patterns that will serve them their entire life.

peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'


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