learning about saturn ... no. 1 ... introduction.
saturn was the lord of everything ... until he wasn't. saturn was the last planet that the ancients could see in the sky without a telescope. in astronomy and astrology, saturn was the end of "our universe" or solar system. and then, uranus was discovered and everything had to be reevaluated.
and then after uranus, we know astronomers discovered neptune and pluto (and subsequently the kuiper belt of which pluto is a part of ... more on that with our discussion on pluto). so, saturn wasn't the end of our solar system after all. but saturn still represents our structure and limitations -- now with an expanded context. and, just as neptune is a part of every living person's consciousness and pluto will soon be, there is still a large segment of our population (especially of our power structure) who did not grow up just knowing that there was a planet named pluto.
TOTAL TANGENT: something else to look forward to ... there will be a time in about 100 years (but hopefully it will be irrelevant then), no one will remember a time when there was 9 planets as after this summer, if the world's astronomers can make their decision, we will either have 8 or 10 planets in our solar system. CLICK HERE FOR INFO ON THIS TANGENT!
remember, most people will NEVER know about life past what they perceive is reality -- there are not too many people who have the gumption to break an obvious glass ceiling or go beyond the status quo. the restrictions and limitations are the parameters of their life and they are perfectly happy within them. while the energies of uranus, neptune and beyond are just as powerful and potential in their lives, those energies will remain largely dormant or unconscious ... until, perhaps another lifetime. but, for those reading this, likely if you've gotten this far, restrictions and limitations (let alone someone else's idea of a glass ceiling) are things you live to obliterate and expand to fulfill your greatest dreams and potential.
understanding your structure is important if you want to remodel and expand. but sometimes growth and freedom comes simply by re-conceptualizing what you can do with your structure, or finding a new context for your structure is all that is needed to do what ever you want.
saturn is the 6th planet from the sun ... it was, perhaps at one time the 7th (until whatever exploded to create the asteroid belt between mars & jupiter) ... which would parallel the mythology story of kronus ... killing his own father, and then consuming his own children before they escaped out of his forehead ... literally blowing the roof off of it.
being the 6th planet from the sun, saturn really speaks to a group structure, especially that of the family and community, as that structure of the collective consciousness is reflective of the individual.
always my favorite thing about saturn ... the rings. did you know ... there are 14 rings ... when i was in school, we learned that there were 3 rings ... well, since then a probe to saturn has revealed that there are 14 distinct rings around saturn. 14, a number of individual (1) structure (4) surrounding the planet ... reinforces my previous concept of saturn's meaning.
next we will discuss more of the new astronomical things we've learned about saturn and how that helps us understand the symbols on the astrological chart. and, later, discussing saturn as he co-rules with his father, uranus, this age of aquarius the children are being born into ...
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'